Sunday, November 18, 2007

Catching up with events

Last Saturday (November 10) Designing Women did a paper fabric workshop with Pam Annesley. Everyone really enjoyed it and there were some great pieces produced. Now we have to make something out of it! Pam supplied a few ideas, including a book for storing ATCs.

Here are some pics of a couple of the girls at work. I intentionally focussed on Margaret's piece rather than her - it's not my lack of skill that has left her out of the picture.

It was a hot day and as Iris and I were locking up at the end of the afternoon we took care to stay out of the way of this visitor.


JayWi said...

And we complain about moles. But better to have the lawn dug up and make mountains out of the molehills Snakes are too scary for me!!!

JayWi said...

And we complain about moles. But better to have the lawn dug up and make mountains out of the molehills Snakes are too scary for me!!!