Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Two good exhibitions

I took my SiL Shirley, who is visiting us from Esperance, to view 2 art exhibitions. We went first to Mundaring to the "Earth" exhibition (catalogue at left). This is a must see, but finishes this Sunday.

There were some great pieces, and Shirley was really put out that she was unable to purchase Claire Bestow's "Bungle Bungle" felt necklace because it had already sold.

I particularly liked the wall pieces from Liz Odd, Soosie Jobson and LeeAnne Davis. Katrina Virgona's mounted sculptural piece also greatly appealed to me and I was fascinated by the construction technique used for Nancy Ballesteros' nunofelted vest.

I also loved the felted timber installation by Vianne Sleypen. I confess that I was nowhere near as excited by the ceramics as the textiles. Demonstrates my personal bias, doesn't it?

Afterwards we went to the "Head and Shoulders" exhibition at the Old Bakery in Maylands. I confess that I liked this less, maybe because I had been driving for so long. There was a certain sameness to the silk and nuno felted scarves, even if they were by different artists.

I did like Linda's bags though, and Jennie Abbott had a wide variety of work on show. There is a spectacular wrap in the entrance passage way. Go and see the exhibition for yourself and make up your own mind.

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