Thursday, September 24, 2009

More Retreat stuff

We made silk paper without using textile medium. This is one of my pieces.

I included some narrow silk braid and bits of a sheet of ironed Angelina fibres. It has been sprayed lightly with Starburst spray in a couple of colours. I quite like it, but I think I may spray it again for deeper colour.

Here is the little knotted string bag I demonstrated. The actual one I made on the weekend has disappeared - I made this one some time ago and rust dyed it.

You may remember this bowl. It is piping cord wrapped with a multicoloured batik fabric then coiled and machine stitched. It was my sample piece for this workshop.

Below is the one I made as I demonstrated the technique on Sunday. The cord is thicker and the fabric is the sundyed piece I used as a background to some stitching which I hated so much I unpicked it. It looks much nicer in the bowl.

Today I decided to make another bowl from the string I had made from some silk tweed that I bought for a song years ago because it had faded in spots. I decided to add in some yarns as well. I haven't got very far as yet, but it's looking OK.

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