Tuesday, March 13, 2007

ATCs for Cancer

I have finally done it. The two series I committed myself to were posted this afternoon.

In this swap you had to make a series of 6 ATCs. You kept the first one and sent the other five, along with a $2 donation, to be swapped. I found working in such a large series quite difficult. I have made series before, but usually only of 3 or 4.

I admit to fudging the first series. They are all made by embellishing bits and pieces onto felt, but I used different bits and pieces on two pieces of felt. However the method is the same, so I can justify calling it a series.

With the second series I hope I have finally worked out my craving to combine red and gold. When I looked at the base fabric I saw water ripples, so I added little squares made from scraps to represent leaves falling on to the waters of the Emperor's pond. Which Emperor? I don't know. Japanese? Chinese?

We went to the movies this afternoon and saw "Wild Hogs". Very formulaic, but quite funny. If you go, wait till all the credits have rolled at the end - it's probably the funniest bit of the lot.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

These are great Joan!! Love the red and gold ones.