Tuesday, March 3, 2009

80 times 2 equals 160

Last May I participated in the siggy square swap at the SCQuilters Retreat here in Perth. I ended up with 80 squares. Here is a sample of a square (I chose this one because it has minimal information - most have full name, location and often email address of the swapper which would make for privacy problems).

The coloured triangles are actually squares, so the underneath part can be cut off. These triangles, sewn together, make up another square. I have now cut them all off and stitched them together.

All I need to do now is press them and trim to size . . . . They will be approximately 3" squares and I will have 160 of them. I am still thinking about that!

As for the siggy squares, I have chosen a layout and they are spread all over the spare bed. A bit more shuffling and I will be able to sew them together.

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