Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Catching Up

After the workshop yesterday I went to visit my uncle and aunt who live in the same street as the school where the workshop was held. Naturally they weren't at home (I didn't warn them)

So today I decided to call in again on my way home from my sewing group. This time they were home, along with my cousin Trish and her youngest son.

I had to have the relationships explained. John (aka Boy - only son after 4 girls - my mother was the second one) and Pat will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in August. They had eight children and almost all of them have produced multiple offspring. I don't know how many grandchildren and I suspect the great grandchildren are approaching double figures.

Pat produces lots of photos of gorgeous looking teenagers. My mind is confused: who produced them? It is explained to me, but I don't register much. This is my penalty for limited contact.

We are invited to the anniversary celebration. I guess it is obligatory - sister Dorothy and I were flower girls at the wedding. I am looking forward to it.

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