Monday, July 27, 2009

Display work

I have been intending to use this wool yarn to make a scarf for some time, so the necessity to have a few more bits for the DW display at the Craft Fair provided the impetus to actually do it.

It is a simple recipe: layout fibres or yarns on Vilene 541 (aka Sol-u- Web), cover with another piece, pin well and stitch. Dissolve the Vilene and you have a scarf or piece of fabric or whatever, depending on the size and shape of the dissolvable base.

I got as far as the laying out and pinning today. I am doing a computer workshop in the morning, but plan to stitch and dissolve tomorrow. I will have to do it - set up is on Thursday.

As for the purple circles . . . The Innovative Stitches group came up with some different ideas on Saturday. I will have to try to do that as well.

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