Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Digitising and Cake Wrecks

Pamella gave a great workshop today on digitising various insects using 4-D Design Creator. I enjoyed it, though I found I could not maintain the level of concentration needed for very long and I frequently fell behind. Thanks to everyone who helped me catch up!

Apart from the workshop, no fibre today. I delivered the pieces for ShowOff, filled a pile of scripts at the chemist and visited the podiatrist to have a painful callous on the sole of my left foot removed. It already feels better.

The podiatrist doesn't have magazines in his waiting room. Instead he has quirky art books. On previous visits I have enjoyed looking at pictures of shoes and handbags. Today I was delighted to find a copy of Cake Wrecks. This is by the author of one of the blogs I have on my Gooogle Reader and I enjoy seeing what appalling examples of the cake decorating art she can come up with. The book has examples I had not seen before. The blog is definitely worth a visit.

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