At last month's Contemporary Quilt Group meeting
Lois shared the pattern for a Japanese style teapot holder aka mug holder. Her samples looked lovely in the Japanese fabrics she used.
The challenge for May was to make one of these bags or else an A3 quilt using a monochromatic colour scheme. I decided I might be able to complete a bag, so yesterday I went looking for fabric in my stash. No Japanese fabric, but I found a couple of bits of hand dyed cotton "baby muslin" (Spotlight label) that I had subjected to the cloque process at a workshop by
Linda last year. The fabric was supposed to crinkle, but instead just thickened so that it was almost like felt. I also found an uncloqued piece of the same fabric to use as lining.

Last night I used a variegated cotton thread and meandered all over the cloqued piece. Then today, after an hour of quilting my WAQA entry and with aching shoulders and an intense desire for a change of activity, I made the bag. Easy peasy, except that I haven't yet finished hand stitching the base. The drawstring is a strip of the lining fabric, twisted and zigzagged.

I estimate I have about 3 more hours of quilting before the quilt is finished and ready for binding. Since I am working with invisible thread on a basically black background I cannot work at night. The best time is in the morning when the sun comes into my sewing room.
Oh, and this is my 101st post.